Morini Group Srl of Martina Franca offers on the website an information and online sales service.
Before accessing the site, it is suggested to read the following warnings.
Morini Group Srl uses this site as an information and communication channel towards its various interlocutors interested in getting to know Morini Groupsrl.
Our commitment is to offer the most up-to-date, correct and clear information possible. However, inadvertent errors are possible and information can sometimes be subject to change. Therefore Morini Group Srl assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions of any nature related to the material published on the site or on sites linked to it and consequently does not respond to any damage or prejudice deriving from the consultation of the site.
The reading, consultation and use of the materials of this site is a manifestation of acceptance by the visitor of the content of these conditions.
The material published on the site – consisting of information and news about Morini Group srl and products; press releases, presentations and other publications; photographic reproductions – is the property of Morini Group srl. The same goes for the graphics setup, application software, codes, and format scripts used to implement the site.
Therefore, everything published on the site cannot be modified, copied, reproduced, transferred or downloaded, let alone used without the written authorization of Morini Group srl.
Copying for personal use only is allowed without permission. Citations are also allowed, subject to notification to Morini Group srl – which reserves the right to deny the proposed use – as a news, study, criticism or review, provided that they are accompanied by the indication of the source, including the internet address
The name " OGOMONDO" and any trademark that includes the name " OGOMONDO" may not be used as the internet addresses of other sites, or as parts of such addresses, without the prior written consent of Morini GroupSrl.
Links from other sites to the home page of or other pages of the site are allowed with written permission from Morini Group srl.
This authorisation is automatically refused in the case of sites with offensive, pornographic or, in any capacity, inciting illegal activities, violence or political opinion-holders.
In any case, the display of a page of the Morini Group srl website cannot be inserted in a frame without prior authorization.
The links on the website refer to sites whose contents are beyond the control of Morini Group srl which assumes no responsibility for its content.
Morini Group srl therefore declines any responsibility for damages of any kind arising, in any form, from the User from the vision, use and/or operation of the sites or services reached through links prepared by it. Morini Group srl
The sites, resources and Internet services reached through links prepared by Morini Group srl cannot in any way be considered sponsored, shared or supported by Morini Group srl itself and therefore the User assumes all responsibility for any purchases made through them.